Use of Locator Wine Rack Labels

Please limit custom labels to a combination of no more than 7 letters and spaces.

The ½” X 11/2” LOCATOR LABELS $5.00 each are designed to maximize the Wine Lover’s computerized storage system. These computer systems suggest that the buyer use a grid system for location. The Locator Labels provide the ideal visual reference for that grid system. Each vertical row is lettered starting with A. If there are 18 bottles in that vertical row, then the first label will read A 1-18. The bottle located at A 4 would be the fourth bottle from the top in row A.

Contact us for a quick, easy way to order.

The new ½” X3/4” Mini-locator Labels $4.00 each are for those who want a locator system in their wine cellar but with the minimum label size. The Mini-locator labels are designed to accept two letters, a combination of one letter and one number, or all numbers up to 199, if the ¾” dimension is horizontal. If the ¾” dimension is vertical, two letters or 2 numbers will fit on the labels. Contact us for a quick, easy way to order.