Who Are We?
Wine Rack Labels is a small, family-owned company based in the Midwestern United States. We make the blanks and labels here from solid Brass sheets and manually engrave each label using a Pantograph router. That’s why you can get almost any label you want.
I like to cook and I also like to drink wine. If I’m cooking for company and we run out of wine, I will ask one of the guests to go down to my wine cellar and get a bottle of Cabernet, Merlot, Pinot, or Zin. Invariably the response was, “How do I know where the Merlot is?” I searched the Internet, wine accessory stores, and wine rack manufacturers and could find nothing that would help others find my wine. I went to local engraving companies and described what I wanted. These companies all wanted to use laser engraving on the plastic stock. I didn’t make my wine racks out of plywood, so I didn’t want plastic labels. I wanted a solid Brass label with manually engraved (routed) and oxidized black letters, this would provide a more natural look to my Redwood racks. I wanted these labels in sizes that would fit my racking and pull out refrigerator shelves. Then I saw a need for Locator labels for those wine connoisseurs that have a computerized wine storage system. That’s why I started Wine Rack Labels.
I have a background in engraving—over 20 years—and hope I know something about quality, delivery, and service. I was an examiner for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for four years and a judge for the International Team Excellence Competition for almost ten years. Of course, the product is entirely made in America.
Wine Rack Labels will make every effort to assure a positive purchasing experience for our labels. Contact us with any concerns.